Pumpkin Unit Study Printables
Includes: Info Pages Pumpkin Anatomy Pumpkin Life Cycle Types of Pumpkins with flash cards Pumpkin Nutrition Pumpkin treat tasting chart My pumpkin lab page Pumpkin poem and write your own poem Pumpkin book list Book marks with ones to color Book Reading Log Pumpkin Jokes Fall Family Bucket List Interesting Facts Create a scene Pumpkin quotes copywork Facts Learned & Notebooking pages Draw & Write a story Pumpkin Patch Scavenger Hunt Pumpkin Memory Game Letter P Writing pages Pumpkin Maze Pumpkin Puzzles Draw Pumpkin with graph P Do a Dot Page Pumpkin math page Pumpkin mosaic craft page Coloring pages Color by number Pumpkin Lacing activity Make Pumpkin Puppets Pumpkin Alphabet Flashcards Pumpkin Alphabet Flashcards Pumpkin Patch I Spy Huge Lapbook with all pieces included
Pumpkin Unit Study
82 pages of learning fun! Great for Preschool and Elementary ages. For homeschool or co-op group. Created by Amy Jacques, homeschool mom of 4. Amy creates digital educational printables real families will enjoy.
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